Ankevohevo Tour

Upon arriving in Ankevohevo for the first time, our initial introductions took place in their church. We met with Jaona and Paoly to discuss the needs of the village.

Our tour of Ankevohevo.

Then we left the church for a tour of the village. Here the homes are constructed of mud. Most are small single-room homes for multiple people.

Our tour of Ankevohevo.

Here in the village little girls keep busy panning for gold. And men work as metalsmiths making tools. Everyone in the village has a shovel to help repair the road. We saw them all at work one day during our visit.

Our tour of Ankevohevo.

And the young boys stayed busy playing soccer with a makeshift soccer ball made of plastic bags taped together. You can imagine their delight on the following day when we gave them a real, high quality soccer ball.

Our tour of Ankevohevo.

We ended up back in the church to talk more about the needs of the village. We also made plans to return the following day bearing gifts for the children.

Our tour of Ankevohevo.

During our meeting, Paoly’s wife Menja encouraged the ever-growing group of children to sing and recite the Lord’s Prayer.

For more information about Ankevohevo, please visit the other sections about this village.